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CUBA - now "officially" even safer to travel within!

The United States Department of State has revised its travel advisory for Cuba to Level 2, "exercise increased caution," down from the previous Level 3, "reconsider travel”.   This is a welcome move which more accurately reflects the reality of the situation in Cuba, that there are no health or security risks of note.  Level 2 is the same level as the State Department has issued for France and the United Kingdom.

This changes the perspective that the travel warnings previously imposed by the Trump administration were politically motivated, seeking to reverse the progress that the Obama administration made with improved relations between the United States and Cuba.

We here at GO Enterprises applaud the administration’s recent move which indicates they are eliminating politics when it comes to decisions regarding the safety of U.S. Citizens traveling into foreign countries in general, Cuba in particular in this case.

The above official information is getting the bureaucracy more lined up and in tune with what the travel industry, travelers and businesses are well aware of, that Cuba is overall a very safe place to travel, compares favorably to the U.S. and many other countries worldwide.  They are open for business, warm and welcoming, both the people and the land itself.  See for yourself soon!!

We can assist you in full with travel arrrangements year-round which include Cuba, either via cruise ship or a land-based tour program.  We also have several special cruise programs with trips that include time in Havana, where staff from GO Enterprises will be on hand to help you enjoy and explore Cuba.  We are stationed at a wonderful Microbrewery in Plaza Vieja, just a couple blocks from the cruise port.  Historic Plaza Vieja dates back to the mid 1500’s, with the Microbrewery, restaurants, shops and spa next door all in centuries old magnificent historic buildings.

Check out of travel specials page at, contact our Cuba Cruise Specialist at GO Enterprises and get ready for a fantastic cruise vacation experience.  See you in Havana soon!!

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